Saturday, March 31, 2012

Fight High Gas Prices With a Gas Challenge

If you notice that every year during election season gas prices slowly start to increase and reach a peak in the summertime because many Americans travel during the summer. Gas prices start to decrease right before or right after November elections.

One reason for the high prices now is due to the conflict with Iran who has threatened to disrupt oil shipments due to the European Union sanctions because of Iran’s nuclear program which has caused the price of crude to drastically increase.

Another reason for the high gas prices is due to the decrease in the unemployment rate and improved housing market. Gas and oil prices have increased because the powers that be assume that since the economy is improving and people are spending more money they have more money to spend on gas and other items which is just speculation and a farce.

People are spending more money because products and services costs more than they did 1 or 2 years ago such as food, clothing, housing, college tuition and other items that are continuing to increase in price. High gas prices put more strain on Americans families and small business owner who are already struggling to make ends meet.

The European Union’s bailout adds to the worldwide demand for fuel. Alaskans are paying $4.40 per gallon, Chicago and Hawaii pay $4.50 per gallon and Tulsa and Wyoming pay $3.50 per gallon. To help ease the burden of high gas prices put yourself on a gas challenge by following these 14 tips:

1. Determine the number of miles it takes you to go everywhere you drive including infrequent trips or one-time trips even if it just down the street.
2. Calculate the number of miles per gallon your car gets
3. Calculate the cost of gas required each time you drive your car and calculate the total amount of gas needed for driving for a week including the weekends.
4. Compare the cost of taking public transportation each day versus driving each day to work and places you travel the most. Research community buses, carpool, and shared rides.
5. Compare the cost of walking a portion of the distance or walking the entire distance for a destination.
6. Map out the quickest routes when driving and alternate routes that take a little longer. Try to take the quickest routes more often when driving.
7. When driving combine trips in the same area on the same day, i.e. buy gas, go grocery shopping, cleaners, post office, convenience store in the same area to save money on gas.
8. Stop complaining about gas prices if you drive a gas guzzler and buy a more fuel efficient car.
9. Do more than just complain, take action. Contact your Congressman, local city council and other government officials, local newspapers, local radio and news stations and demand oil companies’ lower gas prices.
10. Buy a hybrid car or fuel efficient car.
11. Take public transportation.
12. Walk more often, i.e. walk to work and when shopping.
13. Buy regular gas unless otherwise noted in the manufacturers guide.
14. Compare the time it takes to drive, use public transportation, ride a bike or walk. Use all the data to determine which is most important you: convenience, cost, time, etc. and select the best transportation method.

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