Saturday, November 19, 2016

19 Cheap Ways to Eat Healthy

Eat Healthy Stay Young ~ Herbal Beauty Tips 
November is Vegan Month. Eating a healthy diet has several benefits. Eating healthy provides nutrients for your body that give you energy, keep your muscles working, keep your heart healthy and keep your brain sharp. Nutrients also help your body build strong bones and regulate body processes, such as blood pressure and blood sugar.

Eating healthy can lower your risk of developing chronic diseases. Eating less saturated fat may lower your risk of heart disease. Eating lots of fruit and vegetables can lower blood pressure and may lower your risk of certain types of cancer. Eating healthy also helps those who already have a disease which also helps you maintain a healthy weight.

The old adage, eat in moderation is still true today. Eat a variety of foods that are colorful such as green leafy vegetables, orange or yellow vegetables, brown grains and pastas and meat.

A main form of energy that your body needs is carbohydrates. I stopped eating carbohydrates two years ago and found out from a nutritionist that I was depriving my body of energy food. I started eating carbohydrates again such as kidney beans and brown rice. I add kidney beans each day to my salad. Within a few shorts weeks I have already seen an improvement in my energy level.

Carbohydrates are broken down into glucose and if your body does not get enough carbohydrates, your body can make glucose from protein. However, if you eat too many carbohydrates your body turns them into fat.

Eating healthy provides your body with antioxidants that help you feel and look younger and reduces the chance of getting a disease. They also help protect your body from damage from toxins, the sun and smoke. It also provides your body with protein, vitamins and minerals that help strengthen your immune system, keep your teeth and bones strong and burn carbohydrates for energy.

Here are 19 tips to help offset the high cost of food and help you eat healthier.

Shop Early
The grocery is the least busy early in the morning, in the middle of the week, and on any day but the first day or two of the month or first day or two of the end of the month.

Buy Small Items
Buy items that are less expensive such as: beans and lentils, brown rice and grains, soups, meat and fish, marinades, sauces and spices.

Cook More
When cooking make extra to freeze, or use later in the week for leftovers or lunch. Double or triple recipes, then freeze the remaining in portion size bags.

Buy In Bulk
Buy items in bulk such as meats, bread, starches and beverages. Freeze perishable items such as meat, milk and bread.

Buy Canned
Buy canned foods with low sodium.

Compare Prices
Comparison shop to find the least expensive generic or store brands.

Know the Sales Price
Buy items on sale but watch out for trick sales, the regular price may be cheaper than the sale price.

Skip Eating Out
Minimize eating out. Many items at restaurants are high in fat and calories.

Go Raw
Buy Raw or whole Foods. Whole or raw foods are much healthier.

Eat Protein
To maintain muscle you need to eat 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight per day. You can substitute protein my drinking protein shakes or eating protein bars.

Buy Frozen
Buy frozen fruits and vegetables which are inexpensive especially when buying out of season items.

Buy In Season Items
Only buy fruits and vegetables that are in season. Out of season items cost more.

Buy Local
Support local farmers and shop at farmer’s markets. The food is fresh and tastes better.

Skip Multiple Trips
Avoid shopping at multiple stores to save money unless they are in a close distance to each other.

Use Coupons
Look at the Wednesday or Sunday newspaper for coupons or try online sites such as or for discounts on items. Also shop at stores that double coupons.

Use Loyalty Cards
Sign up for grocery store discount cards to save money.

Create a Budget
Create a grocery budget to help save money when buying healthy items for your family.

Use a Shopping List
Make a shopping list of the things you absolutely need. Make a list of things you would like. Buy all the items you need first and if you have money left over use that to buy some of the things you would like to have. This also prevents impulse shopping.

Eat First
Avoid going grocery shopping when you are hungry; you tend to buy more items than you normally would or tend to buy more unhealthy items.

Plan Meals
Plan you meals for the week and shop according to your meals. This helps you stay focused and prevents you spending more money than you should.

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