Saturday, December 02, 2006

Safety During Holiday Shopping

Police departments and news stations around the country warn consumers to be extra careful when shopping during the holidays. Here are 10 tips to reduce your chances of being a victim of theft this holiday season.

1) Don't carry extra credit cards in your wallet. Only carry the credit cards you know you are going to use.
2) Leave your social security card at home.
3) Protect your credit card from thieves when handing it to the cashier. Camera phones can be used to steal credit card numbers.
4) Don't use ATM's at night or in secluded areas.
5) Don't leave your car unlocked when getting gas, the belongings in your car can be stolen and so can your car.
6) Don't leave items in your car while parked. This increases your chances of your car being stolen. If you have to leave items in your car, put them in the trunk.
7) Be on guard when riding in taxis, many drivers get robbed during the holidays.
8) When parking your car look at your surroundings, remember where you parked. If you leave the mall when it's dark, have a security guard walk you to your car.
9) If you feel someone is following you try to walk towards a lighted area or near other people. If that's not possible call a friend or family member from your cell phone. If you are attacked they can call the police and locate you. Use a headset when talking to keep your hands free.
10) Do online shopping at a secure trusted websites with shttp or https or with a locked symbol in the lower right hand corner of the website.

For more tips and information on how to get out of debt you can buy my book, How to Get Out of Debt: Get an "A" Credit Rating For Free at

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