Thursday, December 04, 2008

Boost for Gavel Holders

As part of the $14 billion dollar bailout plan Federal judges will also get a pay raise. The raise was identified as a cost-of-living increase which if anyone who works in the government knows, these adjustments are automatically given every year to Federal government workers also known as COLA (cost-of-living-adjustment).

So, we ask ourselves, why do the judges need a raise from the $14 billion dollar bailout plan when they get one automatically every year? Well, supposedly the COLA does not apply to judges and Congress has to vote to give judges a raise. I don't buy that one but anyway. The Federal judges will get a 2.8% raise beginning January 1, 2009.

Well, as a taxpayer and American I am tired of everyone getting raises when our country is in a crisis. I urge you to write your state congressman and representative and express your opinion about judges getting raises and the method in which raises are given to judges. I am writing my letter today.

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