Monday, June 22, 2009

What Did You Buy Today - A Need or a Want

Advertisers make consumers believe anything can be bought instantly with the swipe of a credit card and lure consumers into store with false advertisements, sales and other gimmicks to buy things they can't afford or simply don't need. Most Americans buy more of things they want instead of more of things they need which leads to bad credit, late fees, bad spending habits, maxed out credit cards and filing for bankruptcy.

A need is something you have to have to survive – food, clothing (non-designer and shelter). A want is everything else, something you would like to have but don't really need. Create a list of things you buy and identify each item as a need or want. If you have more wants in your list then you need to change your spending habits and buy less of the items in the want column. Here are 5 tips to consider when shopping to help think in terms of needs vs. wants.

1. Do you convince yourself that the item you purchased is a need when it really is something you want?
2. Do you rationalize that you work hard everyday and deserve nice things and you should be able to buy whatever you want?
3. Do you buy an item with your credit card even though you know you don't have the money to pay the credit card bill when it arrives?
4. Do you go shopping with a credit card or with cash?
5. Do you buy more of things you want instead of things you need?

Buying more wants than needs can cause you to live above your means and leads to bad spending habits. Now is the time to develop good spending habits and reduce money spent on things you want. Buying wants should be done in moderation and only when you have the cash to buy the item. This will also help you to have a balanced budget. So, the next time you go into a store and pick up an item to buy ask yourself – is this a need or a want?

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