Friday, September 18, 2009

5 Tips When Dating During a Financial Crisis

The recession has impacted several areas of American life. It has caused families to spend less money, downsize or downgrade their lifestyle, generate multiple streams of income and be more accountable with their spending including money spent on entertainment. Many sources say dating is recession proof but only for those who have lived below their means. For those who still continue to live off of their credit cards or live above their means dating has changed. Many daters are making cutbacks in their dating life when spending money on their dates.

Men who spend lots of money on their dates have been forced to rethink their approach to win a woman's heart. Money is not a measure of love and one should not fall in love with someone because of the things they can get or because of the lifestyle they can live.

Men have made cutbacks when dating due to the recession. Some men no longer offer kind gestures of sending a dozen roses on a frequent basis or offer to go to dinner a movie. You may just get movie or dinner but probably not at a fancy restaurant. Men have begun to be more creative in how to save money or show their dates they are interested. Instead of going out to eat a man may suggest cooking dinner at his house, or having lunch in a park. Unfortunately some men how gone too far and have no idea what it means to be a gentleman and be frugal.

I was talking to a friend recently who told me that she met a guy online and he stated he didn't want to waste time by chatting on email and really wanted to meet her. At first she was flattered until her date said he wanted to meet her (for the first time) in the parking lot at a neighborhood Safeway grocery store later that night. My friend was speechless. Needless to say she didn't go out on a date with that guy but that is an example of how some men make poor decisions when making cutbacks on dating during a financial crisis.

Here are 5 tips to follow when dating during a recession or other financial crisis:
1. Be honest

2. Don't change plans you made with your date on the way to pick her up discuss plan changes prior to meeting

3. If you suspect your date feels uncomfortable or is short on cash offer to split the bill. Sometimes men are afraid to admit they are having financial problems.

4. If you don't have money or your funds are limited due to the recession be honest with your date, she will understand but don't mislead her by saying you want to take her out and met her at a grocery store, parking lot or hotel. If you tell her you want to see her be specific about where you want to meet, i.e. at her house, at your house, a Starbucks, bookstore, park, etc.

5. If you are running late call before the time you were supposed to arrive or meet to let your date know and inform your date the time you will arrive.

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