Thursday, September 07, 2006

Is Being in Debt Smart?

I was reading Dave Ramsey's website today and saw his answer to a question about debt. Dave Ramsey says debt is dumb and I agree. He also says that debt is just a way to make banks rich. People continue to get in debt and never realize that debt is preventing you from being free. When you are not in debt you have less stress, less arguments with your spouse or partner and can focus on more important things. Debt is only making one person unhappy YOU! Banks and mortgage companies love debt that's why they created it. Please stop and think the next time you are about to charge something, is it something you really need or just something you want. If it is something you want they pay for it with cash. If you don't have the cash to pay for it then don't buy it. To get extra cash start reducing your expenses, pay for everything with cash and buy only necessities. Then the next time you go to the store and the cashier asks, "Cash or Credit?” you can happily say "Cash"!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I never even thought about it like that. This has really changed my thinking about debt.